
Stay in the Game

By lesly kahn | March 22, 2016

This was sent to me by Jessica H., and it is, indeed, share-worthy:

Hi Lesly,

I wrote a talent manager I really like [which resulted in the following] great email chain. I feel extremely compelled to share and he was happy to let me share his advice:

Me: … I appreciate the fact that you wouldn’t pit your own clients against each other by keeping your roster fair and diverse. . .

Talent Manager: Sure thing. Rosters change and you never know what happens over time.   But when you do check back in, always do it with fresh tape so I know what you’re up to and there is a point to the reconsideration. This is just a good rule of thumb with the industry in general. Always try to come back with a new piece of business when trying to entice a rep.  (Winning an award was a good reason, but new tape is even better.)   I’ve had actors with bad tape, just show up every six months with the same bad tape. That approach, not so surprisingly, gets them nowhere.  But I know it’s hard getting good representation and people have to try something.

Me: Thanks for the advice . . . I can’t imagine what it would be like to have hopeful actors always knocking down my door in this town and it’s very kind of you to give feedback…

Talent Manager: Hey, remember that just as actors are knocking down my door and getting rejected, I spend my days trying to knock down casting, network, and producer doors and often get rejected.  I live for the YES, but I hear a lot of NO in order to get a YES.   And those casting directors lose jobs to their often less-talented peers.   And America is telling those networks that they don’t like a lot of the shows that cost millions to make.   And those producers work years to make a movie that no one goes to see.   Everyone struggles.  That’s why it’s important to stay in the game and be resilient.

AH!!! How awesome is that? I figured this was share-worthy.