From Lesly

Manage Your Fear

By lesly kahn | June 22, 2014

1. Go to and read and listen to what’s there and/or order books, cds, dvds, etc. (I like ASK AND IT IS GIVEN, bookwise; I also have a monthly cd subscription and so every month I get a new one, and either stick it in the thingie in my car and let it brainwash the crap outta me, or hand it off to an actor in need).

Abraham is Esther and Jerry Hicks. Esther is convinced that spirits from another realm speak THROUGH her TO us. She calls those spirits Abraham. While I am not remotely convinced of the validity of the aforementioned phenomenon, I must confess that I LOVE what the woman (the spirits, Abraham, whatever) have to SAY. And I don’t really give a good you-know-what WHERE the hell that information comes from. It is beneficial to anyone who is struggling, stressed, suffering, tormented, beleaguered, miserable, depressed, confused, striving, paralyzed, helpless, phobic, disturbed, irrational, obsessed, hysterical, frantic, frenzied, panic-stricken, excitable, and/or over-stimulated. This is because Esther Hicks’ stuff is based in the idea that our THOUGHTS are creative. As y’all know, that’s the basis upon which I teach acting.

Here are a couple Abraham quotes I happen to have on hand . . .

On 3.31.07, Abraham said, “. . . it’s like a matching grant. If I put out $10K, the law of attraction matches it. So if I’m $10K worth of worried, the universe will add $10K worth of worry to it and make it worse. . . . nothing you want is upstream. It’s all easily accessed downstream. Just stop paddling upstream. When you do, the stream will carry you where you’re supposed to go. Use the action of the stream, not that of the self.”

“You’ve got to find a way to not feel how you feel or things cannot get better for you . . . . you’ve got to take the way that you feel – that you’re absolutely justified in feeling [she is totally justified in being afraid!!!! This is her dream! It’s coming true! Her brain is screaming, “You’re gonna fuck this up!” Of COURSE she’s scared! We gotta shut that side of her brain UP!] — and you’ve got to find a way to feel differently because you can’t let what you want in as long as you feel what you feel. . . . Your goal is to take the thing that’s wrenching your gut and make it not hurt so much. So your goal is to take the worst case scenario and make it livable. Try to get a breath of air around it. . . . Start with where it hurts, and then try to find relief from there. . . . Everything you say or do that makes you feel just a little bit better makes [what you want more possible]. So soothing YOU is what matters the most.”

2. Notice and then banish the shit out of your Bad Actor Thoughts (BAT’s) and replace them with GAT’s. While they will never fully go away, you MUST learn to MANAGE them in order to function. Thinking fearful thoughts is a CHOICE. We don’t HAVE to give into them. We choose our thoughts. I use many things to manage mine and those of my actors. Here is the book of BATS & GATS (Bad Actor Thoughts and Good Actor Thoughts) that we made and we sent out last year . . .

3. My sobriety actually helps me manage my fear. I use my own weird version of the first seven steps of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA_Steps_4-7_LJK_version.doc) MANY times a day.

4. Call my sister Genie (, the Life Coach. She is also a licensed therapist and spent over twenty years in the film and tv biz.