From Lesly

You Don’t Get to be Discouraged

By lesly kahn | August 26, 2016

I think this recent correspondence between an actor and me is relevant to so many of us:

Dear Les,

I got feedback on my audition. They loved my work, sent my tape to producers, but it’s not going any further. It’s so discouraging. 


Dear Dis,

Did you not get the memo?  You don’t get to be discouraged. Disappointed?  Yes. Discouraged?  No freakin’ way.

This is the job you bought. I know you have a zillion things going on so go get busy doing that shit. Do more improv. Do more sketch. Do more plays. Do more stand up. Make more videos.  Do more web series. Book more commercials. Write more scripts.  Edit more stuff.

If you didn’t get this job, then the ol’ Universe is very clearly telling you exactly what it wants you to focus on.  Not that job.  All the other stuff.  So do that. Put your blinders on and enjoy.


Lester (aka Interpreter of the will of the Universe)