From Lesly

Don’t Quit Before the Miracle Happens

By lesly kahn | August 18, 2016

I suspect that many of you out there might identify with this correspondence between an actor and me:

Hey Les,

Just finished my audition and I feel like shit. I psyched myself out. I
felt so prepared and right for this role. And I wanted to make you and
everyone in class so proud. I was so emotionally available every time I
ran through the scene and then I got in there and felt entirely
disconnected and then I acted way too hard. I’m sure it wasn’t as bad as
I feel like it was, but I’m still so pissed because I shouldn’t let
pressure affect me at this point.


Dear Psyched,

Uch, I’m so sorry.

The good news, however, is that at least you know what went wrong:  you
thought BATS (Bad Actor Thoughts).

“I’m so right for this, I’d better get it!”
“I’m so prepared, I’d better not blow it!”
“I’d better make LK proud!”
“I’d better make my class proud!”
“Les went out on a limb for me, I’d better be great!”

How on earth could you be connected emotionally with all that BAT trash
in the way?!

We gotta choose not to think the bad thoughts. Just like I have to
choose not to eat food that will make me fat or make my
stomach hurt.  It’s all a matter of choice.

But choice is predicated on habit.  And you’re new at this.  (True —
you’re not new to acting, but you’re new to my way of approaching it).
And you feel you have a lot to prove.  And you’re not yet able to summon
the GATS (Good Actor Thoughts) and then character thoughts on cue.

But you will.

Can you hang in????

You know what they say in AA:  Don’t quit before the miracle happens.


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