From Lesly

Shit Happens

By lesly kahn | November 16, 2016

It’s November 16th, and many of you are profoundly affected by last week’s presidential election. On top of that, the holiday season is just around the corner, with all of it’s commitments and emotions. We’re sure more than a few of you are busy budgeting for holiday travel and gifts, and wondering what the future holds. Our lives seem to become so hectic at this time of year, no? And this year, for many, so uncertain. So our question to you might seem odd, but may we ask, are you training as an actor now? Are you in class? Are you creating your own content? Are you rehearsing every day?

No? Too busy? Too broke? Too upset by the news?

We get it.  We get that you just . . . can’t.  But unfortunately, you don’t get to wallow.

The holidays are a fact. The election is a fact. Finances are a fact. We all have to deal with these things. And again, we understand that you are overwhelmed by all of it, but . . . you have to move past that place.  Neither the holidays, nor the election, nor financial insecurity are reasons to stop pursuing your dreams.  Sure you can be hectic, frazzled, and worried about money.  You can feel whatever you feel about our new Commander-In-Chief, but don’t give up on YOU.   You cannot allow hurdles and challenges to stop you in your tracks. You cannot become immobilized.

As we’ve written about before, athletes train in the off season, so that they are always ready to compete. They don’t wait for the season to start, because that would not allow them enough time to get ready. They do this in spite of holidays, money woes, politics, etc.

Pilot season will be here before we know it. Please GOD be prepared. Do your work.  Rehearse, write, shoot your own short, get that tape, work on those accents, get to the gym, get those new pics.

Whatever you do, make sure you are PREPARED for the opportunities when they show up.

With love,

Les and Jason

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